
Querying all package history from the command line

Jul 16, 2013 | categories: pkgwat, fedmsg, datanommer, fedora, datagrepper View Comments

After my last post on querying datagrepper, I wrote it into my pkgwat tool as the second-coolest subcommand: $ pkgwat history PKGNAME:

$ sudo yum -y install pkgwat

$ pkgwat history firefox
| date       | event                                          | link                |
| 2013/07/15 | stransky commented on bodhi update firefox-22. | http://ur1.ca/enmvg |
| 2013/07/15 | suren commented on bodhi update firefox-22.0-1 | http://ur1.ca/enmvg |
| 2013/07/10 | stransky's firefox-21.0-1.fc17 untagged from f | http://ur1.ca/eauo1 |
| 2013/07/10 | xhorak's firefox-21.0-4.fc19 tagged into trash | http://ur1.ca/ea995 |
| 2013/07/10 | xhorak's firefox-21.0-4.fc18 tagged into trash | http://ur1.ca/ea995 |
| 2013/07/05 | stransky's firefox-20.0-3.fc20 tagged into tra | http://ur1.ca/ea995 |
| 2013/07/04 | xhorak's firefox-21.0-4.fc19 untagged from f19 | http://ur1.ca/ea9a4 |
| 2013/07/04 | xhorak's firefox-21.0-4.fc18 untagged from f18 | http://ur1.ca/ea9a1 |
| 2013/07/03 | stransky's firefox-20.0-4.fc20 untagged from f | http://ur1.ca/ea9ac |
| 2013/07/02 | pbrobinson's firefox-22.0-2.fc18 tagged into f | http://ur1.ca/ea9a1 |
| 2013/07/02 | pbrobinson's firefox-22.0-2.fc18 completed     | http://ur1.ca/enmvh |
| 2013/07/02 | firefox-22.0-2.fc18 started building           | http://ur1.ca/enmvh |

So the next time you're hacking on something and you say to yourself: "Wat wat wat. What just happened?" $ pkgwat history PKGNAME is another resource to draw on for clarity.

You can get the full help with $ pkgwat help history:

usage: pkgwat history [-h] [-f {csv,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                      [--quote {all,minimal,none,nonnumeric}]
                      [--rows-per-page ROWS_PER_PAGE] [--start-page PAGE]

Show the fedmsg history of a package. This command queries

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --rows-per-page ROWS_PER_PAGE
  --start-page PAGE

output formatters:
  output formatter options

  -f {csv,table}, --format {csv,table}
                        the output format, defaults to table
  -c COLUMN, --column COLUMN
                        specify the column(s) to include, can be repeated

CSV Formatter:
  --quote {all,minimal,none,nonnumeric}
                        when to include quotes, defaults to nonnumeric
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