
Scheduling meetings for the Fedora Messaging SIG

Mar 05, 2012 | categories: zeromq, fedmsg, fedora, moksha View Comments

So I'm spinning up the Fedora Messaging SIG. It's been sitting idle for years; this time we're really going to do it. We're going to put 0mq messaging hooks into bodhi, koji, pkgdb, fas, you name it.

I'm building a python module called fedmsg to wrap it all and it comes with a proposal-in-development. And if you're not excited yet, we've already 0mq enabled the Moksha Hub and achieved a ~100 times speedup over AMQP/qpid.

The point of this post is to ask about times for an IRC meeting of the Messaging SIG. Right now I'm thinking Tuesdays at 16:00-17:00 UTC in #fedora-meeting. If you're interested in helping with the effort but that's a bad time for you, let me know and we'll work it out.

I'll be out at PyCon until next Wednesday; so the first meeting won't be until March 20th at the earliest.

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