Speeding up that nose test suite.
Jun 23, 2015 | categories: python, fedmsg, fedora, nose View CommentsShort post: I just discovered the --with-prof option to the nosetests command. It profiles your test suite by using the hotshot module from the Python standard library and it found a huge sore spot in my most frequently run suite. In this pull request we got the fedmsg_meta running 31x faster.
Compare before:
(fedmsg_meta)❯ time $(which nosetests) -x Ran 3822 tests in 270.822s OK (SKIP=1638) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Success! $(which nosetests) -x 267.30s user 1.32s system 98% cpu 4:33.53 total
And after:
(fedmsg_meta)❯ time $(which nosetests) -x Ran 3822 tests in 5.982s OK (SKIP=1638) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Success! $(which nosetests) -x 3.87s user 0.71s system 52% cpu 8.700 total
That test suite used to take forever. It's the whole reason I wrote nose-audio in the first place!