Upcoming Python3 Porting vFAD
Nov 02, 2015 | categories: python, fedora View CommentsAll thanks to Abdel MartÃnez and Matej Stuchlik, we're going to be holding a (virtual) international "Fedora Activity Day" for Python 3 porting, and it is going to be amazing. Save the date -- November 14th and 15th

Things to consider:
- If you haven't heard, 2016 is going to be the year of Python3 on the desktop, so...
- If you don't know what you're doing with Python3 porting, don't sweat it. If you want to learn, come join and we'll try to teach you along the way.
- If you don't know how to submit patches upstream, don't sweat it. If you want to learn, come join and we'll try to teach you along the way.
- If you want to hack with us, add your info to the wiki page. We'll be hanging out in a opentokrtc channel and in #fedora-python on freenode. See the details.
- We have a really cool webapp that Petr Viktorin put together. It tracks the status of different packages in Fedora and upstream so we can coordinate more effectively about what needs to be done.
- If you want to get people in your city together, that can make it more fun. You can join the video chat as a group! The EMEA crew will be online from the Pycon CZ 2015 sprints (cool). There are a couple people from my local Python User Group that want to join in.. although we're still searching for a reasonable place to meet up. I plan to be around starting at 18:00 UTC both days, although I bet EMEA crew will be online much earlier.
Happy Hacking