
Writing plugins for Mailman 3

May 23, 2013 | categories: python, fedmsg, mailman, fedora View Comments

GNU Mailman 3 (the long-awaited revamp of the widely-used, widely-despised GNU Mailman 2) is on the way, and Fedora's Aurélien Bompard has been working on a new frontend for it (here's a before and after screencast showing some of it off). I set out to write a fedmsg plugin for mm3 so we can add it to cool visualizations, gather more data on non-development contributions to Fedora (which is always hard to quantify), and to support future fedmsg use cases we haven't yet thought of.

I searched for documentation, but didn't find anything directly on how to write plugins. I found Barry's chapter in AOSA to be a really helpful guide before diving into the mailman3 source itself. This blog post is meant to relay my findings: two (of many) different ways to write plugins for mailman3.

Adding a new Handler to the Pipeline

At the end of the day, all we want to do is publish a ØMQ message on a zmq.PUB socket for every mail that makes its way through mailman.

I learned that at its core mailman is composed of two sequential processing steps. First, a chain of rules that make moderation decisions about a message (should it be posted to the list? rejected? discarded?). Second, a pipeline of handlers that perform manipulation operations on a message (should special text be added to the end? headers? should it be archived? added to the digest?).

I came up with this template while trying to figure out how to add another handler to that second pipeline. It works! (but its not the approach we ended up using. read further!):

""" An example template for setting up a custom pipeline for Mailman 3.

Message processing in mailman 3 is split into two phases, "moderation"
and "modification".  This pipeline is for the second phase which
will only be invoked *after* a message has been cleared for delivery.

In order to have this module imported and setup by mailman, our ``initialize``
function needs to be called.  This can be accomplished with the mailman 3
``post_hook`` in the config file::

    post_hook: mm3_custom_handler_template.initialize

After our ``initialize`` function has been called, the
'custom-posting-pipeline' should be available internally to mailman.
In mailman 3, each mailing list can have its *own* pipeline; precisely
which pipeline gets used at runtime is configured in the database --
through postorious.

:Author: Ralph Bean <rbean@redhat.com>


from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals

import logging

from zope.interface import implementer
from zope.interface.verify import verifyObject

from mailman.config import config
from mailman.core.i18n import _
from mailman.core.pipelines import PostingPipeline
from mailman.interfaces.handler import IHandler

__all__ = [

elog = logging.getLogger("mailman.error")

class CustomHandler:
    """ Do something.. anything with the message. """

    name = 'my-custom-handler'
    description = _('Do something.. anything with the message.')

    def process(self, mlist, msg, msgdata):
        """ See `IHandler` """
        elog.error("CUSTOM HANDLER: %r %r %r" % (mlist, msg, msgdata))

class CustomPostingPipeline(PostingPipeline):
    """ A custom posting pipeline that adds our custom handler """

    name = 'my-custom-posting-pipeline'
    description = _('My custom posting pipeline')

    _default_handlers = PostingPipeline._default_handlers + (

def initialize():
    """ Initialize our custom objects.

    This should be called as the `config.mailman.post_hook` callable
    during the third phase of initialization, *after* the other default
    pipelines have been set up.


    # Initialize our handler and make it available
    handler = CustomHandler()
    verifyObject(IHandler, handler)
    assert handler.name not in config.handlers, (
        'Duplicate handler "{0}" found in {1}'.format(
            handler.name, CustomHandler))
    config.handlers[handler.name] = handler

    # Initialize our pipeline and make it available
    pipeline = CustomPostingPipeline()
    config.pipelines[pipeline.name] = pipeline

The above approach works, but it involves a lot of hacking to get mailman to load our code into the pipeline. We have to occupy the mailman post_hook and then kind-of hot-patch our pipeline into the list of existing pipelines.

A benefit of this approach is that we could use postorious (the DB) to control which mailing lists included our plugin and which didn't. The site administrator can leave some decisions up to the list administrators.

I ended up abandoning the above approach and instead landed on...

Adding a second Archiver

One of the Handlers in the default pipeline is the to-archive Handler. It has a somewhat nicer API for defining multiple destinations for archival. One of those is typically HyperKitty (or... kittystore)... but you can add as many as you like.

I wrote this "archiver" (and threw it up on github, pypi, and fedora). Barring tweaks and modifications, I think its the approach we'll end up using down the road:

""" Publish notifications about mails to the fedmsg bus.

Enable this by adding the following to your mailman.cfg file::

    # The class implementing the IArchiver interface.
    class: mailman3_fedmsg_plugin.Archiver
    enable: yes

You can exclude certain lists from fedmsg publication by
adding them to a 'mailman.excluded_lists' list in /etc/fedmsg.d/::

    config = {
        'mailman.excluded_lists': ['bugzilla', 'commits'],


from zope.interface import implements
from mailman.interfaces.archiver import IArchiver

import socket
import fedmsg
import fedmsg.config

class Archiver(object):
    """ A mailman 3 archiver that forwards messages to the fedmsg bus. """

    name = "fedmsg"

    # This is a list of the headers we're interested in publishing.
    keys = [

    def __init__(self):
        """ Just initialize fedmsg. """
        hostname = socket.gethostname()
        if not getattr(getattr(fedmsg, '__local', None), '__context', None):
            fedmsg.init(name="mailman.%s" % hostname)
        self.config = fedmsg.config.load_config()

    def archive_message(self, mlist, msg):
        """Send the message to the "archiver".

        In our case, we just publish it to the fedmsg bus.

        :param mlist: The IMailingList object.
        :param msg: The message object.

        if mlist.list_name in self.config.get('mailman.excluded_lists', []):

        format = lambda value: value and unicode(value)
        msg_metadata = dict([(k, format(msg.get(k))) for k in self.keys])
        lst_metadata = dict(list_name=mlist.list_name)

        fedmsg.publish(topic='receive', modname='mailman',
                       msg=dict(msg=msg_metadata, mlist=lst_metadata))

    def list_url(self, mlist):
        """ This doesn't make sense for fedmsg.
        But we must implement for IArchiver.
        return None

    def permalink(self, mlist, msg):
        """ This doesn't make sense for fedmsg.
        But we must implement for IArchiver.
        return None
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