
Listing all my tw2 github repositories

Mar 03, 2012 | categories: python, toscawidgets, github View Comments

Just starting out on the tw2 bugsprint this morning. I'm working on adding CompoundValidator support and Greg Jurman is working on resolving the duplicate JS encoders. That later one is a real pain. There are tons of widget libraries out that that use one set of JS objects, and plenty that use the others. To find out what uses what (so we can refactor with less pain) I had to ping my github account to find out the full list of tw2 libraries I've written.

Here it is! Using github2 to get a list of every repo (so I can clone and $ grep -nr JSFuncCall tw2.*):

#!/usr/bin/env python
import github2.client

ghc = github2.client.Github()

# This was the trick.  I have too many repos!
all_repos, page = [], 0
while True:
    new_repos = ghc.repos.list('ralphbean', page)
    if not new_repos:
    page += 1

for repo in all_repos:
    if 'tw2' in repo.name:
        print repo.name
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