
Two New zodbot Commands

Sep 29, 2014 | categories: zodbot, fedora View Comments

Our friendly neighborhood irc bot zodbot gained some new powers last week:

First, .vacation will tell you who is on vacation right now according to the fedocal vacation calendar:

│ threebean │ .vacation
│    zodbot │ threebean: The following people are on vacation:
│           │ cicku, monnerat, tomspur, vondruch, nphilipp, kdudka, mtasaka

Second, .pulls will report back the list of open pull requests on a given GitHub repository. Hopefully this will catch on among Fedora Infrastructure app developers as a way to facilitate and prompt code review:

│ threebean │ .pulls fedora-infra/tahrir
│    zodbot │ threebean: @oddshocks's "Add checks to check for attempted
│           │ duplicate additions of things in admin panel."
│           │ https://github.com/fedora-infra/tahrir/pull/286
│    zodbot │ threebean: @hroncok's "Reenable gravatar fallback"
│           │ https://github.com/fedora-infra/tahrir/pull/209

Writing zodbot plugins is fun and you can do it too. The source can be found in git right here.

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New zodbot command -- .nextmeeting

Apr 09, 2014 | categories: supybot, zodbot, fedora, fedocal View Comments

With the latest release of supybot-fedora comes a new command:

threebean │ .nextmeeting fedora-meeting
zodbot    │ threebean: The next meeting in #fedora-meeting is Fedora
                       Ambassadors Latam Meeting (starting in 8 hours)
zodbot    │ threebean: - http://da.gd/DaqKo
threebean │ .nextmeeting fedora-meeting-1
zodbot    │ threebean: The next meeting in #fedora-meeting-1 is Fedora
                       Server Working Group (starting in 5 days)
zodbot    │ threebean: - http://da.gd/QO51Z

It queries the fedocal API, so if you own a meeting make sure that your information there is up-to-date (if you check, you'll notice that pingou and I reorganized the meetings into team-based calendars and did away with the mega "fedora-meeting" calendar. Check the "location" data for your meeting.)

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