bitlyclip - bitly-ify whatevers in your X clipboard
Mar 18, 2011 | categories: python, gtd View CommentsI just wrote and published blityclip. Install it and you can bitly-ify anything in your clipboard.
I have my xmonad config set to rock it:
,("C-b", spawn "bitlyclip")
Using itertools to un-nest your code
Mar 15, 2011 | categories: python View CommentsDo you ever write code that becomes way nested and totally out of hand? Being smart with itertools can help un-indent your biz.
Below follow two functions definitions: nested_generator
. Put them in a module named
from itertools import product def nested_generator(carnivores, herbivores, plants): """ You do this every day. """ for carnivore in carnivores: for herbivore in herbivores: for plant in plants: yield "%s eat %s eat %s" % (carnivore, herbivore, plant) def itertools_generator(carnivores, herbivores, plants): """ This can 'flatten' your code, make it less nested, more pythonic. """ for carnivore, herbivore, plant in product(carnivores, herbivores, plants): yield "%s eat %s eat %s" % (carnivore, herbivore, plant)
Let's test it with another script.
#!/usr/bin/env python from itertools_blogpost import nested_generator, itertools_generator if __name__ == '__main__': # Operate on these lists carnivores = ["lions", "tigers", "bears"] herbivores = ["hippies"] plants = ["carrots", "beets", "garlic"] # Test to show that the two functions are `equivalent` result1 = list(nested_generator(carnivores, herbivores, plants)) result2 = list(itertools_generator(carnivores, herbivores, plants)) are_they_equal = (result1 == result2) print "Gravey? -->", are_they_equal # Gravey! # Test to show that they run in an equivalent amount of time from timeit import Timer nested_timer = Timer( """ carnivores = ["lions", "tigers", "bears"] herbivores = ["hippies"] plants = ["carrots", "beets", "garlic"] nested_generator(carnivores, herbivores, plants) """, "from itertools_blogpost import nested_generator") itertools_timer = Timer( """ carnivores = ["lions", "tigers", "bears"] herbivores = ["hippies"] plants = ["carrots", "beets", "garlic"] itertools_generator(carnivores, herbivores, plants) """, "from itertools_blogpost import itertools_generator") nested_times = nested_timer.repeat() itertools_times = itertools_timer.repeat() n = len(nested_times) print " Nested Iter" print "Maximum {0:2.3f} {1:2.3f}".format( max(nested_times), max(itertools_times)) print "Minimum {0:2.3f} {1:2.3f}".format( min(nested_times), min(itertools_times)) print "Average {0:2.3f} {1:2.3f}".format( sum(nested_times)/n, sum(itertools_times)/n)
Their output is equivalent and (run it for yourself) the times are roughly equivalent. Sometimes one comes out on top of the other, sometimes vice versa. No statistically significant difference.
The upshot: with itertools.product
you can say goodbye to
awfully nested for loops.
SQLARadialGraph in a Pyramid app
Mar 07, 2011 | categories: python, toscawidgets, pyramid View Commentstw2.jit.SQLARadialGraph
is a python class that encapsulates the
awesome RGraph
widget from the Javascript InfoVis Toolkit and automatically
sets it up with JSON data from a sqlalchemy-mapped database. This post is a
tutorial on how to make use of it in an application built on the Pyramid web
1. Create a fresh pyramid app from the
paster template (instructions).
2. Create some sqlalchemy
models with
one-to-many and/or many-to-many relationships and populate the DB along the
lines described in my SQLARadialGraph
in a Turbogears 2.1 app tutorial.
3. Include tw2.jit
and formencode
in the requires
list in your setup.py
file and re-run
python setup.py develop
with your virtualenv active.
4. Include the Toscawidgets 2 middleware in the Pyramid
WSGI stack by specifying egg:tw2.core#middleware
just before your
application's line in the pipeline
setting inside
5. Create a module
with the following contents:
from tw2jitpyramiddemo import models from tw2.jit import SQLARadialGraph class UserGraph(SQLARadialGraph): id = 'whatever' base_url = '/jit_data' entities = [models.MyModel, models.MyGroup] width = '750' height = '533'
6. Expose the UserGraph
widget in one of your
Specifically, modify
and change the
view_model(context, request)
view to look something like:
from widgets import UserGraph def view_model(context, request): return {'item':context, 'project':'tw2.jit-pyramid-demo', 'jitwidget':UserGraph(rootObject=context)}
7. Render the widget in the corresponding template.
If you're using Chameleon templates
) this looks like:
<div tal:content="structure jitwidget.display()"></div>
If you're using Mako templates
) this looks like:
${jitwidget.display() | n}
8. Open a route to the widget's own controller.
Add the following three lines to
just before the return config.make_wsgi_app()
from widgets import UserGraph jit_view = lambda c, r : UserGraph.request(r) config.add_route('jit_data', '/jit_data', view=jit_view, xhr=True)
And we're done. Restart the app and checkout http://localhost:6543/1 and it might look something like this.

You can, of course, tweak all kinds of style and functional parameters on
like those outlined near the end of my post on
using SQLARadialGraph
in a Turbogears 2.1 app.
Maybe you disagree, but the Pyramid implementation above went much more smoothly than the TG 2.1 setup. I think I like it.
`Quickstarting` a Pyramid app
Mar 06, 2011 | categories: python, pyramid View CommentsQuickstart! From scratch, we'll create
a new Pyramid app from one of the included paster templates. We'll use
the one that provides a sqlalchemy model. As we always should, we'll also lock
everything down inside a virtualenv
(Edit: This was revised to use the awesome virtualenvwrapper. You can and must use virtualenvwrapper.)
rjbpop@grossman ~/devel () % mkvirtualenv --no-site-packages my-pyramid-project (my-pyramid-project)rjbpop@grossman ~/devel () % pip install --use-mirrors pyramid (my-pyramid-project)rjbpop@grossman ~/devel () % paster create -t pyramid_alchemy project-name (my-pyramid-project)rjbpop@grossman ~/devel () % cd project-name (my-pyramid-project)rjbpop@grossman ~/devel/project-name () % python setup.py develop (my-pyramid-project)rjbpop@grossman ~/devel/project-name () % paster serve development.ini
Point your browser at http://localhost:6543 to see if the setup process completed okay.
sqlalchemy + the JavaScript InfoVis Toolkit (jit)
Mar 06, 2011 | categories: python, toscawidgets, turbogears View CommentsI've been working on some new ToscaWidgets2 widgetry. Today's post is a tutorial on how to use tw2.jit.SQLARadialGraph with the Turbogears 2.1 framework. You can check out the entire source tree for this tutorial from my github page.
I really like tw2.jit.SQLARadialGraph
and have been getting overly-excited about it: foaming at the mouth,
rambling... I've tried to cut all that out of this post and just give you the
details on how to get started using it and Turbogears 2.1. In short,
itself is a python web component that produces an
interactive graph of your database via javascript and asynchronous requests for
JSON data. Most all of its real rendering work is accomplished with the awesome
JavaScript InfoVis Toolkit by Nicolas Garcia
For this post, first we'll configure Turbogears 2.1 to use Toscawidgets 2
middleware. Second we'll modify our new app's bootstrapping process to insert
some random data into its development sqlite database. Third, we'll configure
and display an instance of tw2.jit.SQLARadialGraph
to visualize the
data we inserted.
1. Setting up Turbogears
Start with a fresh TG 2.1 quickstarted app by running $ paster
quickstart tw2.jit-tg2.1-demo
. It will ask you some questions -- for
this tutorial we are using mako templates and we are using
Jump into your newly quickstarted app's directory and run $ virtualenv
--no-site-packages virtualenv
and $ source
to cordon off your app's dependencies from your
system-wide python site-packages directory.
Configure TG 2.1 for Toscawidgets 2
Add the following three lines to the
argument in your setup.py
"repoze.what-pylons", "tg.devtools", "tw2.jit",
A fresh Turbogears 2.1 quickstarted app depends on Toscawidgets 1 by default. We'll be using Toscawidgets 2 so we need to remove all the old references as well as tell TG2.1 to use the tw2 middleware instead of tw1.
Remove the following three lines from
from tgext.admin.tgadminconfig import TGAdminConfig from tgext.admin.controller import AdminController ... < snip > ... admin = AdminController(model, DBSession, config_type=TGAdminConfig)
Remove the following one line from
from tw.api import WidgetBunch
Add the following two lines to the bottom of
base_config.use_toscawidgets = False base_config.use_toscawidgets2 = True
You will also need to enable the query property on all models.
Uncomment the following line in
DeclarativeBase.query = DBSession.query_property()
Test it all with the following commands.
$ python setup.py develop $ paster setup-app development.ini $ paster serve --reload development.ini
And point your browser at http://localhost:8080. If all has gone well, you should see the default index page for your newly quickstarted TG2.1 web-app.
2. Add some `interesting` data
We'll use the existing models defined in tw2jittg21demo/model/
to make this tutorial shorter and smoother.
Edit tw2jittg21demo/websetup/bootstrap.py
(which is the code
that gets run when you issue $ paster setup-app development.ini
and add the following two new function definitions just above
the definition of the bootstrap
from random import choice, randint def add_random_users(): """ Add 9 random users """ import string chars = string.letters for first in [u'Sally', u'John', u'Tim']: for last in [u'Anderson', u'Flanderson', u'Block']: user = model.User() user.user_name = unicode((first[0] + last).lower()) user.display_name = u'%s %s' % (first, last) user.email_address = u'%s@socialistworker.org' % user.user_name user.password = u''.join([choice(chars) for i in range(12)]) model.DBSession.add(user) model.DBSession.flush() def add_random_groups(): """ Generate a number of random groups and add users to them """ for name in ['developer', 'system admin', 'shmeveloper', 'crispin gladbin']: group = model.Group() group.group_name = name group.display_name = (u"%ss group" % name).title() model.DBSession.add(group) all_users = model.User.query.all() for i in range(randint(0, len(all_users)-2)): user = choice(all_users) while user in group.users: user = choice(all_users) group.users.append(user) model.DBSession.flush()
These new functions still need to be called during the boostrap
process, so add two invocation lines just above the
line at the end of the boostrap
model.DBSession.add(u1) model.DBSession.flush() add_random_users() add_random_groups() transaction.commit() except IntegrityError: print 'Warning, there was a problem adding your auth data, it may have already been added:'
Blow away and re-create your database with the following commands:
$ rm devdata.db $ paster setup-app development.ini
Run $ paster serve --reload development.ini
and point your
browser at http://localhost:8080 again to
make sure nothing is broken.
3. Visualize the database with tw2.jit.SQLARadialGraph
Make the widget available in your root controller
Create a module tw2jittg21demo/widgets.py
the following content:
from tw2jittg21demo import model from tw2.jit import SQLARadialGraph def makeUserGraph(): class UserGraph(SQLARadialGraph): id = 'whatever' base_url = '/jit_data' entities = [model.User, model.Group, model.Permission] excluded_columns = ['_password', 'password', 'user_id', 'group_id', 'permission_id'] width = '920' height = '525' rootObject = model.User.query.first() return UserGraph
Modify your root controller in
to make use of the new
Add the following import above the
from tw2jittg21demo.widgets import makeUserGraph
Modify the index(self)
method so that the
return statement looks like:
return dict(page='index', widget=makeUserGraph())
And add a new method to serve json data to the jit widget.
@expose('json') def jit_data(self, *args, **kw): """ Serve data from the tw2.jit built-in controller """ return makeUserGraph().request(request).body
Display the widget in your root template
Replace all of the contents of
with the following two
<%inherit file="local:templates.master"/>
${widget.display() | n }
Give it a spin
Point your browser once again at http://localhost:8080 and you should be greeted by something like the following:

Getting fancy
can make use of various method defined
on the sqlalchemy entities of which its been made aware. One is the
method which is already present on our models
from the TG2.1 quickstart process. Another is __jit_data__(self)
which must return a json-ifiable python dict.
In the future, we expect to support more attribute, but at the time of this
writing the only attribute that is actually used on the client side is the value
of an hover_html
key if it is present at all.
Add the following two methods to your
class which is defined in
@property def gravatar_url(self): """ Return a link to the gravatar image for this email addy """ import hashlib hsh = hashlib.md5(self.email_address).hexdigest() base = "http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/{hsh}?d=monsterid" return base.format(hsh=hsh) def __jit_data__(self): """ 'hover_html' is the only supported key at present """ return { 'hover_html' : """ <h2>{display_name}</h2> <img src="{gravatar_url}" /> <ul> <li>{user_name}</li> <li>{created}</li> </ul> """.format(gravatar_url=self.gravatar_url, **self.__dict__) }
Restart your webapp and re-visit http://localhost:8080. You should see fancy
pop-ups now when you mouseover any entity for which a __jit_data__
method returns a dict containing a hover_html key.

Lastly, you may want to re-style the jit graph to fit your page.
Modify tw2jittg21demo/widgets.py
by adding the
following import statement at the top:
from tw2.core import JSSymbol
and by adding the following extra specifications to the
# Try to match colors to the TG banner backgroundcolor = '#FFFFFF' background = { 'CanvasStyles': { 'strokeStyle' : '#FFFFFF' } } Node = { 'color' : '#ffcb2f' } Edge = { 'color' : '#307e8a', 'lineWidth':1.5, } # Override the label style onPlaceLabel = JSSymbol(src=""" (function(domElement, node){ domElement.style.display = "none"; domElement.innerHTML = node.name; domElement.style.display = ""; var left = parseInt(domElement.style.left); domElement.style.width = '120px'; domElement.style.height = ''; var w = domElement.offsetWidth; domElement.style.left = (left - w /2) + 'px'; domElement.style.cursor = 'pointer'; if ( node._depth <= 1 ) domElement.style.color = 'black'; else domElement.style.color = 'grey'; })""")
Once again restart your webapp and reload the page to get the following:

I hope this post was helpful and got you interested enough to check out the code and improve on it. Comments, questions, and patches are all appreciated.
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