Tutorial -- melting your face off with tw2 and TurboGears2.1
Apr 30, 2011 | categories: python, toscawidgets, turbogears View CommentsGet the source: if you don't want to read through this, you can get the entire source for this tutorial here on my github account.
---Today it's an epic data widgets tutorial! I've been working on a lot of
stuff recently, including trying to pull some of the more quiet tw2 developers back
together; I hope that this fits into that scheme and to at some point link
directly to this tutorial from the tw2
This tutorial won't introduce you to any of tw2.core
fundamentals directly, but it will show off some of the
flashier and data-driven widgets. If it gets you real hot,
check out some of my other tw2+TurboGears2.1 tutorials here and here and my tw2+Pyramid tutorial here, but enough of that, let's cut to the chase:
We're going to build an TurboGears2.1 application from start to finish that
logs the IP of every request made of it and displays those hits with a couple of
fancy-ass tw2
widgets. Here's what it's going to take:
- Getting TurboGears2.1 installed and running
- Setting up a data backend
- "Automatically" listing db entries with
- Plotting server history with
- Making the layout look like http://google.com/ig with
1. Getting TurboGears2.1 installed and running
Install (if you haven't already) virtualenvwrapper. It's awesome and you should use it always.
Next, Open up your favorite terminal and do the following:
% mkdir tw2-facemelt-tg2.1 && cd tw2-facemelt-tg2.1 % mkvirtualenv --no-site-packages --distribute tw2-facemelt-tg2.1 % pip install --use-mirrors tg.devtools % paster quickstart Enter project name: tw2-facemelt-tg2.1 Enter package name [tw2facemelttg21]: Would you prefer mako templates? (yes/[no]): yes Do you need authentication and authorization in this project? ([yes]/no): yes % cd tw2-facemelt-tg2.1
At this point we need to modify the freshly quickstarted TurboGears 2.1
project. There's a bug there! We said want to use mako
so TG2.1 isn't configured to install genshi
but it
does include references to the
which references
but doesn't list its dependency and therefore doesn't
install it. That's fine, we'll just remove the references to the
since we won't be using it, anyways.
Remove the following three lines from
from tgext.admin.tgadminconfig import TGAdminConfig from tgext.admin.controller import AdminController ... admin = AdminController(model, DBSession, config_type=TGAdminConfig)
While we're at it, let's turn on the tw2
WSGI middleware.
Edit tw2facemelttg21/config/app_cfg.py
and add
the following two lines at the bottom:
base_config.use_toscawidgets = False base_config.use_toscawidgets2 = True
It should be noted that toscawidgets1 (setup by TG2.1 by default) and
toscawidgets2 can peacefully coexist in a WSGI app but I'm a tw2
purist. After all, tw2 is faster.
At this point you should be able to run your TG2.1 quickstarted app. Run the following:
% pip install --use-mirrors -e . % paster setup-app development.ini % paster serve development.ini
And visit http://localhost:8080 to verify that all this worked.
2. Setting up a data backend
Create a file at
with the following contents:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Logs of Bob Loblaw's Law Blog """ from sqlalchemy import * from sqlalchemy.orm import mapper, relation from sqlalchemy import Table, ForeignKey, Column from sqlalchemy.types import Integer, Unicode #from sqlalchemy.orm import relation, backref from datetime import datetime from tw2facemelttg21.model import DeclarativeBase, metadata, DBSession class ServerHit(DeclarativeBase): __tablename__ = 'server_hit' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) timestamp = Column(DateTime, nullable=False, default=datetime.now) remote_addr = Column(Unicode(15), nullable=False) path_info = Column(Unicode(1024), nullable=False) query_string = Column(Unicode(1024), nullable=False)
Edit the module-level file
and uncomment
the following line:
DeclarativeBase.query = DBSession.query_property()
Add the following line to the very bottom of the same
file (tw2facemelttg21/models/__init__.py
from bloglog import ServerHit
The data model should be good to go now, but let's add one little piece of
code --- a hook --- that will populate the server_hit
table as the
app runs.
Edit tw2facemelttg21/lib/base.py
and add the
following seven-line chunk just inside the __call__(...)
method of
your BaseController
def __call__(self, environ, start_response): """Invoke the Controller""" # TGController.__call__ dispatches to the Controller method # the request is routed to. This routing information is # available in environ['pylons.routes_dict'] entry = model.ServerHit( remote_addr=environ['REMOTE_ADDR'], path_info=environ['PATH_INFO'], query_string=environ['QUERY_STRING'], ) model.DBSession.add(entry) model.DBSession.flush() request.identity = request.environ.get('repoze.who.identity') tmpl_context.identity = request.identity return TGController.__call__(self, environ, start_response)
Now blow away and recreate your old sqlite database by typing the following into your trusty terminal:
% rm devdata.db % paster setup-app development.ini % paster serve development.ini
Pray for no bugs as you revisit http://localhost:8080.
Reload the page a few times and just double-check that your database has entries
in it now by running sqlite3 devdata.db
. Issue the command
select * from server_hit;
and you should see all your page requests
Cool? Cool.
(Note to the brave: If we wanted to be really awesome, we would write WSGI middleware to do our request-logging.)
3. "Automatically" listing db entries with tw2.jqplugins.jqgrid:SQLAjqGridWidget
Create a new file tw2facemelttg21/widgets.py
with the following content:
import tw2facemelttg21.model as model from tw2.jqplugins.jqgrid import SQLAjqGridWidget class LogGrid(SQLAjqGridWidget): id = 'awesome-loggrid' entity = model.ServerHit excluded_columns = ['id'] datetime_format = "%x %X" prmFilter = {'stringResult': True, 'searchOnEnter': False} options = { 'pager': 'awesome-loggrid_pager', 'url': '/jqgrid/', 'rowNum':15, 'rowList':[15,150, 1500], 'viewrecords':True, 'imgpath': 'scripts/jqGrid/themes/green/images', 'shrinkToFit': True, 'height': 'auto', }
Pull the LogGrid
widget into your controller by
importing it at the top of tw2facemelttg21/controllers/root.py
from tw2facemelttg21.widgets import LogGrid
Modify the index
method of your
in tw2facemelttg21/controllers/root.py
so that it looks like:
@expose('tw2facemelttg21.templates.index') def index(self): """Handle the front-page.""" return dict(page='index', gridwidget=LogGrid)
This will make the LogGrid available in your index template under the name
. We still need to display it there.
Edit tw2facemelttg21/templates/index.mak
wipe out all of the content. Replace it with only the
<%inherit file="local:templates.master"/>
${gridwidget.display() | n}
The SQLAjqGridWidget
has a request(...)
method that
does all of its magic (interrogating your sqlalchemy
model for its
properties and values). We still need to wire up our TurboGears app to forward
the ajax<->json requests to the right place.
To do this, add another method to your
back in
that looks like this:
@expose('json') def jqgrid(self, *args, **kwargs): return LogGrid.request(request).body
Lastly, edit your setup.py
file and
add all the new widget dependencies we'll need (not
just the jqgrid
), like so:
install_requires=[ "TurboGears2 >= 2.1", "Mako", "zope.sqlalchemy >= 0.4", "repoze.tm2 >= 1.0a5", "repoze.what-quickstart", "repoze.what >= 1.0.8", "repoze.what-quickstart", "repoze.who-friendlyform >= 1.0.4", "repoze.what-pylons >= 1.0", "repoze.what.plugins.sql", "repoze.who == 1.0.18", "tgext.admin >= 0.3.9", "tw.forms", "tw2.jqplugins.jqgrid", "tw2.jqplugins.jqplot", "tw2.jqplugins.portlets", ], setup_requires=["PasteScript >= 1.7"],
Install the newly listed dependencies by running:
% python setup.py develop % paster serve development.ini
...and revisit http://localhost:8080.
At this point, your app should look something like the following:

We should really (probably) do things as fancy as we can, and make use of jquery-ui's themes.
Edit tw2facemelttg21/lib/base.py
do the
following two things:
Add this import
statement to the top of the
from tw2.jqplugins.ui import set_ui_theme_name
And invoke it from inside the
method of your BaseController
def __call__(self, environ, start_response): """Invoke the Controller""" # TGController.__call__ dispatches to the Controller method # the request is routed to. This routing information is # available in environ['pylons.routes_dict'] set_ui_theme_name('hot-sneaks') entry = model.ServerHit( remote_addr=environ['REMOTE_ADDR'], path_info=environ['PATH_INFO'], query_string=environ['QUERY_STRING'], ) model.DBSession.add(entry) request.identity = request.environ.get('repoze.who.identity') tmpl_context.identity = request.identity return TGController.__call__(self, environ, start_response)
Nice! But hot-sneaks
isn't the only available theme -- you can
see a list of all of them right here.

4. Plotting server history with tw2.jqplugins.jqplot:JQPlotWidget
This is going to be awesome.
Add a new widget definition to
from tw2.jqplugins.jqplot import JQPlotWidget from tw2.jqplugins.jqplot.base import categoryAxisRenderer_js, barRenderer_js from tw2.core import JSSymbol class LogPlot(JQPlotWidget): id = 'awesome-logplot' interval = 2000 resources = JQPlotWidget.resources + [ categoryAxisRenderer_js, barRenderer_js, ] options = { 'seriesDefaults' : { 'renderer': JSSymbol('$.jqplot.BarRenderer'), 'rendererOptions': { 'barPadding': 4, 'barMargin': 10 } }, 'axes' : { 'xaxis': { 'renderer': JSSymbol(src="$.jqplot.CategoryAxisRenderer"), }, 'yaxis': {'min': 0, }, } }
Now we're going to go to town on our RootController
. We need
- Make the new widget available in our template
- Produce data for it
- Render it in the template
First, add the following imports to the top of
from tw2facemelttg21.models import ServerHit from tw2facemelttg21.widgets import LogPlot import sqlalchemy import datetime import time
We're also going to need this little recursive_update
utility to
merge the options
s. Just add it at the top of
as a function. It
should not be a method of RootController
def recursive_update(d1, d2): """ Little helper function that does what d1.update(d2) does, but works nice and recursively with dicts of dicts of dicts. It's not necessarily very efficient. """ for k in d1.keys(): if k not in d2: continue if isinstance(d1[k], dict) and isinstance(d2[k], dict): d1[k] = recursive_update(d1[k], d2[k]) else: d1[k] = d2[k] for k in d2.keys(): if k not in d1: d1[k] = d2[k] return d1
Add a new method to the RootController
that looks like the following. This will do all of the heavy lifty ---
producing the data for the jqplot.
def jqplot(self, days=1/(24.0)): n_buckets = 15 now = datetime.datetime.now() then = now - datetime.timedelta(days) delta = datetime.timedelta(days) / n_buckets entries = ServerHit.query.filter(ServerHit.timestamp>then).all() t_bounds = [(then+delta*i, then+delta*(i+1)) for i in range(n_buckets)] # Accumulate into buckets! This is how I like to do it. buckets = dict([(lower, 0) for lower, upper in t_bounds]) for entry in entries: for lower, upper in t_bounds: if entry.timestamp >= lower and entry.timestamp < upper: buckets[lower] += 1 # Only one series for now.. but you could do other stuff! series = [buckets[lower] for lower, upper in t_bounds] data = [ series, # You could add another series here... ] options = { 'axes' : { 'xaxis': { 'ticks': [u.strftime("%I:%M:%S") for l, u in t_bounds], }}} return dict(data=data, options=options)
Rewrite the index(...)
method of your
to look like the following:
@expose('tw2facemelttg21.templates.index') def index(self): """Handle the front-page.""" jqplot_params = self.jqplot() plotwidget = LogPlot(data=jqplot_params['data']) plotwidget.options = recursive_update( plotwidget.options, jqplot_params['options']) return dict(page='index', gridwidget=LogGrid, plotwidget=plotwidget)
Now the jqplot widget should pull its data from the (perhaps poorly named)
method of your RootController
and should merge
new options
nicely with the predefined ones. It should also be
available in your index
template under the name
. Let's use it there!
Edit tw2facemelttg21/templates/index.mak
add the following line:
<%inherit file="local:templates.master"/>
${plotwidget.display() | n}
${gridwidget.display() | n}
Revisit http://localhost:8080/ and you should get something like this.

5. Making the layout look like http://google.com/ig with tw2.jqplugins.portlets
Add the following import to the top of
import tw2.jqplugins.portlets as p
Rewrite the index(...)
method of your
to look like this:
@expose('tw2facemelttg21.templates.index') def index(self): """Handle the front-page.""" jqplot_params = self.jqplot() plotwidget = LogPlot(data=jqplot_params['data']) plotwidget.options = recursive_update( plotwidget.options, jqplot_params['options']) colwidth = '50%' class LayoutWidget(p.ColumnLayout): id = 'awesome-layout' class col1(p.Column): width = colwidth class por1(p.Portlet): title = 'DB Entries of Server Hits' widget = LogGrid class col2(p.Column): width = colwidth class por2(p.Portlet): title = 'Hits over the last hour' widget = plotwidget return dict(page='index', layoutwidget=LayoutWidget)
Now that only the layoutwidget
is available to your
template, you'll need to rewrite your
<%inherit file="local:templates.master"/>
${layoutwidget.display() | n}
To simplify all the styling, you'll also need to clear out all the clutter
from the TG2.1 quickstart install. Rewrite (for the first
time) tw2facemelttg21/templates/master.mak
to look like this:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html> <head></head> <body>${self.body()}</body> </html>
Rerun your paster server and you should see something like this.

The portlet windows are movable and collapsible and they automatically retain their state between page loads (with jquery.cookie.js).
---I hope you enjoyed the tutorial. Once again, you can get the entire source here on my github account. If you have any comments, feedback, or questions --- post 'em!
python's dir() is a (big) bottleneck
Apr 29, 2011 | categories: python View CommentsWrote this up due to this commit to tw2.core.
(EDIT: Thanks to lmacken for the tip on iteritems()
#!/usr/bin/env python """ Experiment showing that :func:`dir` is a bottleneck. Expected output: 1.384130 [getattr(obj, k) for k in dir(obj)] 0.343161 [v for k, v in obj.__dict__.items()] 0.278336 [v for k, v in obj.__dict__.iteritems()] """ from timeit import Timer statements = [ "[getattr(obj, k) for k in dir(obj)]", "[v for k, v in obj.__dict__.items()]", "[v for k, v in obj.__dict__.iteritems()]", ] for stmt in statements: print "%.6f" % Timer(stmt, "import os as obj").timeit(10000), stmt
(most) all tw2 widgets have samples!
Apr 28, 2011 | categories: python, toscawidgets View CommentsI just got two requests for a tutorial on tw2.jqplugins.jqgrid.SQLAjqGridWidget which interrogates whatever sqlalchemy model you give it and produces a nifty jqgrid web widget (python, WSGI, of course!)
Before I release a tutorial, I thought I'd point out that (most) all tw2
widgets have a tw2.
module which:
- 1) Gets picked up and rendered by the tw2.devtools widget browser (which is running live here).
- 2) Can educate you on how to use the widgets in which you are particularly interested.
For the SQLAjqGridWidget
, you can find that code right here on my github account.
Tutorial coming soon!
jquery-ui portlets with saved position and state via cookies
Apr 25, 2011 | categories: python, toscawidgets, javascript View CommentsBack in June of 2010, I was wondering how to save the order/arrangement of jquery-ui portlets and their open/closed state to a cookie. After much searching and finding nothing, I came up with my own solution and posted it at the end of a long thread on the jquery-ui mailing list. (Since then, I found that it's been linked to from a stackoverflow answer!)
You can see a live demo of my solution here.
If you're a python web programmer, you should know that my
package uses this solution by default,
encapsulating all the work for you. Here are links to everything you need to
get started using that project:
Using fabric to manage moksha development
Apr 13, 2011 | categories: python, fabric, moksha View CommentsNow I know that fabric is really meant for managing deployment, but to try and teach myself what it can do, I rewrote some monster bash-scripts that manage the development environment for Luke Macken's awesome project moksha.
I came up with:
- A master fabfile to manage moksha-proper development.
- A template fabfile that gets placed in the base directory of new apps created from moksha's paster templates.
#!/bin/bash rm -rf threebean mkdir -p threebean pushd threebean git clone git://github.com/ralphbean/moksha.git pushd moksha fab -H localhost bootstrap popd # If you don't already have it sourced in your .bashrc! source /usr/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh workon moksha paster moksha -l -c -u -C -P << EOF testapp moksha.test EOF deactivate pushd testapp fab -H localhost install popd pushd moksha fab -H localhost develop fab -H localhost start popd popd # You should see the testapp widget show up under the 'widgets' menu. firefox http://localhost:8080/ &
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