
Getting the docstring of a function (without the name)

Sep 13, 2011 | categories: python, oops View Comments

I was using argparse and entry-points [console_scripts] in a project at work and I wanted each of the 12 console scripts to have a --help option that would display (among other things) the __doc__ of their main entry function. This way I wouldn't have to rewrite those docs over and over when I added a new script.

I came up with this little guy:

#!/usr/bin/env python
""" The module level docstring """

import inspect

def f():
    """ The function level docstring """
    print __my_doc__()

def g():
    """ Another function level docstring """
    print __my_doc__()

def __my_doc__():
    """ Print the docstring of the calling function """
    return globals()[inspect.stack()[1][0].f_code.co_name].__doc__

if __name__ == '__main__':

You could use it to, say, do:

import argparse

def some_command():
    """ This command will knock your socks off! """
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__my_doc__())
    args = parser.parse_args()
    raise NotImplementedError("TODO -- gotta write this command still...")

Relying on globals() really sucks. If anyone can think of a better way to do it, let me know!

EDIT -- 09/15/2011

Thanks to some inspiration from @heewa, I landed on this solution which is much more portable.

import inspect

def __my_doc__(n=1):
    """ Print the docstring of the calling function.
    Because this function doesn't rely on :py:func:`globals()`, it is more
    portable.  It can now live in its own module and be invoked from elsewhere.

    frame = inspect.stack()[n][0]
    return frame.f_globals[frame.f_code.co_name].__doc__
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Namespace refactor for tw2.jquery plugins

Feb 04, 2011 | categories: python, toscawidgets, oops View Comments

After consulting with Joseph Tate, we came to the decision to refactor the namespace for jquery plugins in ToscaWidgets2. Everything previously known as tw2.jquery.plugins.* is now known as tw2.jqplugins.*.

It all boils down to fighting with the tw2.jquery non-namespace. A jquery plugin package would live in ..../site-packages/tw2/jquery/plugins/someplugin and would have to ship its own file to ..../site-packages/tw2/jquery/__init__.py. However, tw2.jquery's own __init__.py file was non-empty. In order to not break everything, jquery plugin packages would have to mirror tw2.jquery-proper's own content but in the end still break the rule suggested in the second-to-last paragraph of this section of the setuptools documentation.

Apologies to anyone adversely affected who previously depended on any tw2.jquery.plugins.* packages. The following four of mine were affected, renamed, and should no longer be prone to big changes.

Lastly, if you do have projects that depend on anything in the tw2.jquery.plugins namespace, the following command should fix you up:
$ find . -name "*.py" -exec sed -i 's/jquery.plugins/jqplugins/g' {} \;

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