
Factory 2.0, Sprint 2

Oct 14, 2016 | categories: sprint, factory2, fedora View Comments

Today marks the end of Sprint #2 for the so-called Factory 2.0 project. So far, it's been a small-ish team with Matthew Prahl and myself (and part-time support from the awesome Michael Bonnet). We know which way we want to go now and we're going to pick up a few more people in the coming weeks.

We write status reports internally, but we're doing work in the open, in Fedora. We should probably bridge that gap and I figured the easiest way to share would be to post our demo videos here as well:

Running fedmsg services on other message bus backends

Storing rpm dependencies in PDC

Storing container dependencies in PDC

Querying dependencies from PDC

Standing up resultsdb with ansible

I'll try my best to post all of our future sprint report videos here. No secrets! The best place to find us is in #fedora-modularity and #fedora-admin. Happy Hacking!

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Listing all fedmsg topics

Sep 09, 2016 | categories: fedmsg, fedora View Comments

Recently, over in a pull request review, we found the need to list all of the existing fedmsg topics (to see if some code we were writing would or wouldn't stumble on any of them).

Way back when, we added a feature to datagrepper that would let you list all of the unique topics, but it never worked and was eventually removed.

Here's the next best thing:

#!/usr/bin/env python

from fedmsg_meta_fedora_infrastructure import (
from fedmsg.tests.test_meta import Unspecified

classes = doc_utilities.load_classes(tests)
classes = [cls for cls in classes if hasattr(cls.context, 'msg')]

topics = []
for cls in classes:
    if not cls.context.msg is Unspecified:
                      .replace('.stg.', '.prod.')
                      .replace('.dev.', '.prod.'))

# Unique and sort
topics = sorted(list(set(topics)))

import pprint


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PyCon Report, 2016

Jun 06, 2016 | categories: python, fedora, pycon View Comments

Like in previous years, a few of us from Fedora were at PyCon US in Portland Oregon for the week. The conference is over now (I'm sticking around for a day to explore the Pacific Northwest). Here are some of the highlights from the talks attended and the community sprint days:

Talks worth checking out

  • K Lars Lohn's final keynote was out of control. None of us were ready for it. It wasn't even about python but I know everyone loved it. Parisa Tabriz's keynote on hacker mindset was very good (she's the "security princess" at Google) and Guido van Rossum's keynote on the state of python wandered off into an interesting autobiography about what made Python possible. If you're interested in software architecture, the Wednesday morning keynote on Plone and Zope by @cewing was an interesting overview of the evolution of that stack.
  • Alex Gaynor's talk on automation for dev groups, cleverly titled "The cobbler's children have no shoes" was close to my heart. There was a salient point in the Q&A section about how while we often focus on automating workflows that are somehow problematic, sometimes that problem is a deeper social one. Automation can surface and inadvertantly exacerbate a tension between groups that have friction.
  • For web development stuff, three talks are worth highlighting: @callahad of Mozilla (who is an awesome person) gave a talk on new mobile web technologies, Service Workers, Push, and App Manifests. It's worth a listen for people in the Fedora and Red Hat infrastructure ecosystem. @dshafik of Akamai gave a super interesting talk on HTTP/2 and the consequences for web devs. The short of it is that we have all these hacks in place that have become "best practice" over the years (sprite sheets, compressed and concatenated assets, bloated collection REST responses), none of which are necessary or desirable when we have HTTP/2 ready to go server-side. Sixty percent of browsers are ready to consume HTTP/2 apps and its all backwards compatible. Definitely worth looking into. Last but not least, if you do wev development, check out Sumana's talk titled "HTTP can do that?!" which goes over how to get the most out of HTTP/1 (something we've not always been the best at doing) -- very engaging.
  • If you watch any of the talks here, check out Larry Hasting's talk on removing python's global interpreter lock. It's important if you use the language, deal with performance issues, and especially if you write C extensions. If none of those are you -- the details of the interpreter implementation are still super interesting. #gilectomy
  • Of course the hallway track was the most valuable. I had good talks with @goodwillbits, @lvh, @sils1297, and too many others to mention.

For the community code sprints, I hacked with a couple other people on the test suite for koji which is the build system used by Fedora and many other RPM-based Linux distributions. We have a lot of web services and systems that go into producing the distro. Koji was one of the first that was written back in the day and it is starting to show its age. Getting test coverage up to a reasonable state is a pre-requisite for further refactoring (porting to python3, making it more modular, faster, etc..).

Huge shoutout to Sijis Aviles, Joel Vasallo, and Robert Belozi for slogging through it with me. We had fun!

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Moving Down the Hall

Apr 11, 2016 | categories: fedora View Comments

I'm moving! Today is my first day on the Release Engineering Development team (RED team) of the PnT DevOps organization at Red Hat. After I get my bearings, I'll be working on "Factory 2.0" which, while still quite a nebulous and undefined thing, boils down to focusing on the next-generation build and release pipeline for RHEL and other Red Hat products. What's cool about this is that, since it's future-facing work, I get to focus on how to knit the effort with what's been going on in Fedora releng. We'll have lots to talk about and hack on, I'm sure.

Paul Frields published a post a few days ago about an opening on the Fedora Engineering team. Please do forward that to people you think would be a good fit!

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Friday Fedora Web Dev Clinic (now on Monday...)

Feb 23, 2016 | categories: fedora View Comments

After talking with mleonova at devconf the other week, we got the idea in our heads to hold a weekly "web dev clinic" over video chat for the #fedora-apps crew. It will be a video chat lasting ~1 hour, once a week where, if you're working on Fedora web apps or websites, you can come and either get help on a problem you're facing, or show off your work, or both.

We're going to try for a first meeting this coming Friday at 15:00 UTC in this video channel. We'll run it a few weeks in a row and see how it goes.. maybe continue indefinitely?

EDIT: It went well. We had about 6 people attend and stepped through the way some of the JS and CSS are structured for bodhi2. We're going to reschedule the day though and meet on Mondays from now on. The next one will take place Monday, March 7th at 15:00 UTC in the same video channel. See you then!

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