
bugz.fp.o EOL and switchover

Jan 13, 2014 | categories: fedora-packages, bugz, fedora View Comments

During the F20 release cycle and holidays, the infrastructure team tries not to make any disruptive changes to our web services. Now its January, we have a spate of built-up changes lined up for deployment. Lots of changes have been pushed out already.

One major change still to come is the introduction of pkgdb2 and the retirement of pkgdb. The original pkgdb provided an interface to Red Hat bugzilla made friendlier by an alias at bugz.fedoraproject.org. For instance, visiting bugz.fedoraproject.org/nethack would take you to admin.fedoraproject.org/pkgdb/acls/bugs/nethack.

Once pkgdb1 is retired, that will no longer be the case; bugz.fedoraproject.org/nethack will instead take you to the replacement interface on the fedora-packages webapp: apps.fedoraproject.org/packages/nethack/bugs/all.

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