Workshop at FLOCK14, Prague CZ, August 8th, 2014
Go sit in #fedora-fedmsg on
The Fedora Infrastructure Message Bus is a python package and API used around Fedora Infrastructure to send and receive messages to and from applications.
It is publicly subscribable -- hit up tcp:// with a zmq.SUB socket.
It has Fedora in the name, but Debian Infrastructure started picking it up last summer. They've made progress to the point that we had to change the name to mean the FEDerated Message Bus instead. is using it too. Maybe others? We get questions and clarifications on the deployment docs from time to time.
There are two aspects to this workshop:
Do you want me to cover?
sudo yum install fedmsg
There's also a plugin that let's us render Fedora Infrastructure messages nicely. You should install that too:
sudo yum install python-fedmsg-meta-fedora-infrastructure
Clone the repo from
python --days 14 > testing.log cat testing.log | \ gource -i 10 \ --user-image-dir ~/.cache/avatars/ \ --log-format custom \ --viewport 1024x730 \ -
sudo yum install fedmsg-relay sudo systemctl start fedmsg-relay echo "Hello World." | fedmsg-logger --modname=git --topic=repo.update echo '{"a": 1}' | fedmsg-logger --json-input fedmsg-logger --message="This is a message." fedmsg-logger --message='{"a": 1}' --json-input
or from python:
import fedmsg fedmsg.publish( topic='testing', msg={ 'test': 'Hello World', 'foo': jsonifiable_objects, 'bar': a_sqlalchemy_object, } )
fedmsg-tail --really-pretty
{ "i": 1, "timestamp": 1344344053.2337201, "topic": "", "msg": { "comment": { "update_title": "nethack4-4.0.0-1.fc20", "group": None, "author": "ralph", "text": "I'm so pumped to pwn those minotaurs!", "karma": 1, "anonymous": False, "timestamp": 1344344050.0 } } }
import fedmsg for name, endpoint, topic, msg in fedmsg.tail_messages(): print topic, msg
fedmsg-hub is a daemon that can make writing your own long-running consumers simpler. There are docs on for writing plugins, but they look like this:
import pprint import fedmsg.consumers class MyConsumer(fedmsg.consumers.FedmsgConsumer): topic = "org.fedoraproject.*" config_key = 'myconsumer.enabled' def consume(self, message): pprint.pprint(message)
There are lots of fun options to fedmsg-tail like --terse.
fedmsg-tail --terse -- ausil's tncfhh-0.8.3-14.fc20 completed trac.ticket.update -- kevin closed a ticket on the Fedora Infrastructure trac instance as 'fixed' bodhi.update.request.testing -- mmckinst submitted nawk-20121220-1.fc18 to testing wiki.article.edit -- Hguemar made a wiki edit to "Flock:Rideshare"
David Aquilina's (dwa's) koji stalk monitors koji over fedmsg and rebuilds packages for arm and ppc.
herlo's FAS2Trac fama updater (ftl) listens to messages indicating that a user has applied for membership in the ambassadors group -- it then files a ticket in the ambassadors' trac instance for a potential sponsor via XMLRPC.
p3ck's fedmsg-download listens for messages that the daily branched and rawhide compose process has finished -- it then downloads the latest builds from rsync://
So, it used to be that when someone was granted commit access to a package in the Fedora PackageDB (pkgdb), the webapp simply wrote to a database table indicating the new relationship. Every hour, a cronjob would run that queried the state of that database and then re-wrote out the ACLs for gitolite -- the software that manages access to our package repositories.
Consequently, we had lots of waiting: you would request commit access to a repository, then wait for an owner to grant you rights, then wait for that cronjob to run before you could actually push.
With a new fedmsg consumer that we have in place, those gitolite ACLs are re-written in response to fedmsg messages from the pkgdb. It is much faster.
There's the new FMN system that can deliver notifications to you via irc, email, and android.
There's also lmacken's fedmsg-notify which listens for messages and displays a filtered stream on your desktop with libnotify.
Every week, pingou's owner changes report tool emails the devel list with a report of what packages were orphaned, unorphaned and retired.
There's also the Release Engineering Dashboard which grabs data from datagrepper on all the latest updates syncs, composes, image builds, etc.. and puts their status all in one place. Pure HTML/javascript -- there's no server-side app here.
Fedora badges launched last year at Flock13. It awards "badges" to Fedora contributors for their activity.
Pretty fun. :)
The assimilation of message producing services is nearly complete.
There are many message consuming services already in place.. but we can likely make many more. Which is why you're here, no?
Surprise! We're going to make a Twitter Bot!
sudo yum install fedmsg sudo yum install python-fedmsg-meta-fedora-infrastructure sudo yum install python-fabulous sudo yum install tweepy
import fedmsg import pprint print "Posting up to listen on the fedmsg bus. Waiting for a message..." for name, endpoint, topic, msg in fedmsg.tail_messages(): pprint.pprint(msg)
Give it a run.
#topic_filter = 'fedbadges' # We really want this, but its rare topic_filter = 'fedoratagger' # This is much easier to test with for name, endpoint, topic, msg in fedmsg.tail_messages(): if topic_filter not in topic: # Bail out if the topic doesn't match continue pprint.pprint(msg)
See for more
import fedmsg.config import logging.config # First, load the fedmsg config from fedmsg.d/ config = fedmsg.config.load_config() # Then, configure the python stdlib logging to use fedmsg's logging config logging.config.dictConfig(config.get('logging'))
import fedmsg.meta # Initialize fedmsg's "meta" module if you have the fedora infra plugin fedmsg.meta.make_processors(**config) for name, endpoint, topic, msg in fedmsg.tail_messages(): if topic_filter not in topic: continue # Only act on your own messages -- things that *you* did. if 'YOUR_FAS_USERNAME' not in fedmsg.meta.msg2usernames(msg, **config): continue # Use it to make nice text and other things # See also: msg2icon, msg2link, msg2usernames, msg2packages... subtitle = fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle(msg, **config) print subtitle
import tempfile import urllib import os import fabulous.image for name, endpoint, topic, msg in fedmsg.tail_messages(): # This returns a URL (most of the time) icon = fedmsg.meta.msg2icon(msg, **config) _, filename = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.png') print "Downloading", icon, "to", filename urllib.urlretrieve(icon, filename) print fabulous.image.Image(filename) print "Cleaning up %r" % filename os.remove(filename)
We have a neat working script that gets fedmsg messages pushed to it. It can extract neato stuff and print it.
But... if we want to move to the next step, we have to take a break from our happy hacking to go and deal with Twitter, its API, and API keys.
We're going to have to:
We will keep those tokens a secret and our little bot will use them to login and tweet on our behalf. You'll get four secret strings.
First, add a directory called fedmsg.d/ to your current working directory.
In it, put a file called fedmsg.d/ that looks like this:
config = dict( consumer_key = "your api key goes here", consumer_secret = "your api secret goes here", access_token_key = "your access token goes here", access_token_secret = "your access token secret goes here", )
Test that fedmsg can read in that new config file by looking for them in:
fedmsg-config | less
Go back to and add the following:
import tweepy consumer_key = config['consumer_key'] consumer_secret = config['consumer_secret'] access_token_key = config['access_token_key'] access_token_secret = config['access_token_secret'] auth_handler = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret) auth_handler.set_access_token(access_token_key, access_token_secret) twitter_api = tweepy.API(auth_handler)
for name, endpoint, topic, msg in fedmsg.tail_messages(): subtitle = fedmsg.meta.msg2subtitle(msg, **config) link = fedmsg.meta.msg2link(msg, **config) icon = fedmsg.meta.msg2icon(msg, **config) _, filename = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.png') print "Downloading", icon, "to", filename urllib.urlretrieve(icon, filename) # Construct and post our tweet. #print fabulous.image.Image(filename) content = subtitle + " " + link print "Tweeting %r" % content twitter_api.update_with_media(filename, content) print "Cleaning up %r" % filename os.remove(filename)
Make a new file called badgebot.service with these contents:
[Unit] Description=A Twitter bot for your Fedora Badges. Wow. Documentation= [Service] ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/ Type=simple User=fedmsg Group=fedmsg [Install]
#!/bin/bash -x # - (re)install and (re)start the badgebot # Install our script cp /usr/local/bin/ # Make sure no one else can read our secrets. cp fedmsg.d/ /etc/fedmsg.d/. chown fedmsg:fedmsg /etc/fedmsg.d/ chmod o-r /etc/fedmsg.d/ # Copy in service file for systemd cp /home/threebean/devel/badgebot/badgebot.service /usr/lib/systemd/system/badgebot.service systemctl daemon-reload systemctl restart badgebot
Watch the journal:
sudo journalctl -u badgebot --follow
Does it work? Debug!
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