
Factory 2.0, Sprint 2

Oct 14, 2016 | categories: sprint, factory2, fedora View Comments

Today marks the end of Sprint #2 for the so-called Factory 2.0 project. So far, it's been a small-ish team with Matthew Prahl and myself (and part-time support from the awesome Michael Bonnet). We know which way we want to go now and we're going to pick up a few more people in the coming weeks.

We write status reports internally, but we're doing work in the open, in Fedora. We should probably bridge that gap and I figured the easiest way to share would be to post our demo videos here as well:

Running fedmsg services on other message bus backends

Storing rpm dependencies in PDC

Storing container dependencies in PDC

Querying dependencies from PDC

Standing up resultsdb with ansible

I'll try my best to post all of our future sprint report videos here. No secrets! The best place to find us is in #fedora-modularity and #fedora-admin. Happy Hacking!

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